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Russia and New States of Eurasia
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Articles by this Author
Fedorovskaya Irina
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Articles in journal:
I. Fedorovskaya
Armenia’s Foreign Policy in the New International Realities
(No II (LXIII). 2024. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
Azerbaijan’s Economy in the New International Realities
(No III (LX). 2023. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
Armenia’s Economy in 2022: Results and Prospects
(No II (LIX). 2023. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
Economic Processes in Georgia in the Ñontext of New International Realities
(No I (LVIII). 2023. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
Transport Infrastructure Development Projects in Transcaucasia
(No IV (LVII). 2022. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
Problems of Georgian’s Relations with the EU
(No III (LVI). 2022. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
Armenia and Turkey: The First Steps to Building Relations
(No II (LV). 2022. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
Iran and the New Geopolitical Situation in the South Caucasus
(No I (LIV). 2022. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
Political Situation in Georgia: Municipal Elections against the Background of M.Saakashvili’s Return
(No IV (LIII). 2021. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
Parliamentary Elections in Armenia: Results and Possible Consequences
(No III (LII). 2021. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
COVID and Azerbaijan’s Economy
(No II (LI). 2021. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
Political Crisis in Georgia
(No I (L) . 2021. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
On the Results of the Parliamentary Elections in Georgia
(No IV (ÕLIX). 2020. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
Conflict on the Armenia – Azerbaijan Border in July 2020
(No III (ÕLVIII). 2020. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
Transcaucasian Republics under Conditions of the COVID-19 Pandemic
(No II (ÕLVII). 2020. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
Armenia: First Results of the Economic Policy of Pashinyan’s Administration
(No I (ÕLVI). 2020. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
Political Situation in Georgia a Year before the Parliamentary Elections
(No IV (ÕLV). 2019. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
Iran Crisis: Challenges for Azerbaijan’s Foreign Policy
(No III (ÕLIV). 2019. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
The Georgian Paradox: Poverty against the Background of Economic Growth
(No II (ÕLIII). 2019. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
Transport Projects of Azerbaijan
(No I (ÕLII). 2019. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
Armenia: Political Instability Comes to an End
(No 4. 2018. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
Eurasian Integration: Problems and Prospects
(No 3. 2018. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
Political Crisis in Armenia: Nikol Pashinyan Coming to Power
(No 2. 2018. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
Results of Political Season in Georgia
(No 4. 2017. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
Georgia and NATO
(No 3. 2017. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
Nagorno-Karabakh – Painful Point of Transcaucasia
(No 3. 2017. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
Electoral Cycle in the South Caucasus
(No 2. 2017. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
Parliamentary Election in Georgia: Convincing Victory of “Georgian Dream”
(No 1. 2017. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
Azerbaijan – European Union: New Stage of Relations
(No 1. 2017. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
Constitutional Referendum in Azerbaijan
(No 4. 2016. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
Inner-political Situation in Armenia after the Adoption of the New Constitution
(No 3. 2016. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
Russia – Azerbaijan – Iran: Summit in Baku
(No 3. 2016. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
A. Krylov
I. Fedorovskaya
Problems of Regional Security in Caucasus in the Context of Russia-Georgia Relations
(No 2. 2016. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
Azerbaijan under Conditions of Sinking of Oil Prices: Risks for the President
(No 1. 2016. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
New Georgian Government and Russia-Georgia Relations
(No 1. 2016. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
“Year of Industry” in Azerbaijan: Problems of Non-oil Sector
(No 4. 2015. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
South Ossetia: Will the Referendum on Joining Russia Take Place?
(No 4. 2015. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
Armenia and Iran: Contemporary Stage of Cooperation
(No 3. 2015. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
Southern Gas Corridor and Azerbaijan
(No 3. 2015. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
Armenia Joins Eurasian Economic Union
(No 2. 2015. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
Georgia One Year before Elections: Aggravation of Political Situation
(No 2. 2015. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
Azerbaijan and the European Union: Zigzags of Relations
(No 1. 2015. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
Ukraine: Parliamentary Election Results
(No 4. 2014. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
Georgia and the European Union
(No 4. 2014. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
Kiev’s Anti-Russian Actions in Economy
(No 3. 2014. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
Results of the Fifth Azerbaijan-Russian Interregional Forum
(No 3. 2014. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
Presidential Election in Ukraine
(No 2. 2014. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
Political Crisis in Ukraine
(No 1. 2014. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
Armenia and the Customs Union
(No 1. 2014. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
(No 4. 2013. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
(No 4. 2013. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
(No 3. 2013. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
(No 3. 2013. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
(No 2. 2013. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
(No 1. 2013. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
(No 1. 2013. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
(No 4. 2012. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
(No 4. 2012. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
(No 3. 2012. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
(No 3. 2012. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
(No 2. 2012. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
(No 2. 2012. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
(No 1. 2012. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
(No 4. 2011. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
(No 4. 2011. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
(No 3. 2011. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
(No 3. 2011. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
(No 2. 2011. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
(No 1. 2011. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
(No 1. 2011. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
(No 4. 2010. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
(No 4. 2010. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
(No 3. 2010. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
(No 3. 2010. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
(No 2. 2010. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
(No 2. 2010. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
(No 1. 2010. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
(No 1. 2010. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
(No 4. 2009. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
(No 4. 2009. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
(No 3. 2009. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
(No 3. 2009. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
(No 2. 2009. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
(No 2. 2009. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
I. Fedorovskaya
(No . . )
I. Fedorovskaya
(No . . )
I. Fedorovskaya
(No 1. 2008. Russia and New States of Eurasia)
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