// Russia and New States of Eurasia. 2024. no. III (LXIV). P. 39-56
Tatiana L. Rovinskaya, Cand. Sci. (Political Sciences), IMEMO (Moscow, Russian Federation), Senior Researcher of the Theory of Politics Section.
Received 04.07.2024. Revised 18.09.2024. Accepted 23.09.2024.
Abstract. The article examines the activities of the Belarusian Green Party (BPZ) until its dissolution in 2023 spearheaded by the state authorities. The author attempts to analyze the Party’s place and role in the political system of the Republic of Belarus as an extra-parliamentary opposition party, in order to answer the question: is there a prospect of its revival under different political conditions (and, in this case, of joining the European “green party family”)? The first section of the paper traces the political path of the BPZ: the history of its emergence as a structure that rose out of civil society, the formation of its ideology, the most important points of its socio-ecological programme, the timeline of its participation in elections as an opposition party, holding political actions, international cooperation, activities in information space. Next, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the 2020s political crisis on the future fate of the Belarusian “Greens” is examined in detail: the stages and features of the growing confrontation between the BPZ and the state authorities until the official dissolution of the Party. The author comes to a conclusion that, since the Party’s activities had been limited by political conditions during the whole period of its existence, and its shutdown was organized “from above”, it does not mean vanishing of its ideological base and supporters. Therefore, the revival of the Belarusian Green Party in some form in case of political changes in Belarus and in the world cannot be excluded.
Keywords: European Green Movement, “green party family”, Belarusian Green Party, Chernobyl, opposition, socio-ecological programme, elections, A.Lukashenko, dissolution “from above”
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