// Russia and New States of Eurasia. 2024. no. II (LXIII). P. 9-23
Abstract. Provoking new crises to divert Moscow’s attention and resources from the Ukrainian direction is considered in the West as one of the possibilities for the escalation of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. Moldova may become one of the new “hot spots” in the foreseeable future. Official Chisinau – with some exceptions – practically repeats the path that led Kiev to the current catastrophe. The “Ukrainization” of Moldova is aimed at turning the republic into another anti-Russian tool of the United States and the bloc led by them. The externally controlled country, in the interests of European integration, is rapidly integrating into the general system of confrontation between the West and Russia.
Keywords: Moldova, Ukraine, Romania, the European Union, NATO, Transnistria, escalation, European integration, special military operation, 5+2 negotiations, economic pressure
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