// Russia and New States of Eurasia. 2024. no. I (LXII). P. 113-131
Abstract. The formula of the trinity of the Armenian nation was declared in September 1999 at the first All-Armenian Congress “Armenia–Diaspora”. Subsequently, the leaders of Armenia constantly emphasized their commitment to the trinity of Armenia – Artsakh – Diaspora, and a fair solution to the Armenian issue (Armenia within the “Wilson borders” or more extensive). After the defeat in the Second Karabakh War, the Armenian government abandoned the formula of the trinity of the nation. N.Pashinyan declared his commitment exclusively to the state interests of the Republic of Armenia within the borders of the former Armenian SSR. The Armenian opposition, the church and the Diaspora assessed N.Pashinyan’s policy as a national betrayal and remained committed to the trinity of the nation. The inability of the opposition to develop a new pan-Armenian strategy and remove N.Pashinyan from power is explained both by its fragmentation and by the disoriented and apathetic state of society. The constitutional reform planned by N.Pashinyan will make it possible to legislate the Armenian state’s refusal of the trinity formula and the principles contained in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of Armenia.
Keywords: trinity of the Armenian nation, Diaspora, Armenian question, pan-Armenian strategy, recognition of the 1915 genocide, Wilson’s borders, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (Artsakh), Turkey
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