// Russia and New States of Eurasia. 2022. no. I (LIV). P. 68-85
Abstract. Central Asia is one of the focal points of Turkish foreign policy. Attempts to stimulate integration processes in the former Turkic republics of the Soviet Union under Turkish aegis have been underway since the early 1990s. Turkmenistan, due to its large reserves of natural resources and favorable strategic position on the shore of the Caspian Sea, is of particular interest to Ankara. Promoting the concept of “Two states – one nation” Turkey is building interaction with official Ashgabat in the field of trade, military cooperation, humanitarian ties. This article examines the current state of affairs in these tracks and points out in which areas the Republic of Turkey is already successful, and which may soon attract more attention from Ankara.
Keywords: Central Asia, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Republic of Turkey, TÜRKSOY, Turkish foreign policy
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