// Russia and New States of Eurasia. 2021. no. III (LII). P. 93-109
Abstract. The intensification of the armed conflict in Afghanistan in connection with the withdrawal of US troops and its allies and coming to power in Kabul of the radical Taliban movement (terrorist organization banned in Russia) creates security challenges for the post-Soviet states of Central Asia. These challenges can be characterized as “new old” challenges, since the countries of the region have faced them in one way or another in the past decades. Nevertheless, the seizure of power in this country by the Taliban and the consolidation of the Taliban along the borders of the Central Asian countries, provoked by the withdrawal of foreign military contingents from Afghanistan, create a number of risks for neighboring states (problems of border security, danger of growing extremist sentiments, drug trafficking and other types of smuggling, refugee problem, etc.).
Keywords: Afghanistan, Islamism, jihadism, extremism, terrorism, Taliban, Central Asia, migration, refugees, drug trafficking
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