// Russia and New States of Eurasia. 2020. no. III (ХLVIII). P. 126-138
Abstract. It is clear that the presence of an Islamic factor in WWW has become an objective reality, including in the post-Soviet Muslim countries. It could be determined as a Cyber-Islamic Environment (CIE). In the post-Soviet space the CIE is represented mostly by official Islamic structures, while the presence of unofficial religious organizations and individual preachers is more limited. Nevertheless the influence of the non-official CIE is significant and is capable to be converted into one of the mechanisms of social protests and revolutionary activities in post-Soviet Muslim countries in case of emergence of critical situations. It is clear that state authorities will accelerate control over the CIE in the coming years using various instruments against religious radicalism and extremism in WWW.
Keywords: Islam, Islamism, WWW, religious extremism, Cyber-Islamic Environment
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