// Russia and New States of Eurasia. 2020. no. I (ХLVI). P. 82-97
Abstract. The incomplete transit of power in Kazakhstan presumes that the first president of the republic N.Nazarbayev retains important positions in the power structure and in the process of decision-making. This imposes certain restrictions on the conduct of personnel, socio-economic and foreign policy by the incumbent president K.-J.Tokayev. Meanwhile, the risks of destabilization and the growing demand for changes in society are becoming factors that stipulate policy renovations, primarily in the domestic sphere. The evolution of the political course of Kazakhstan is reflected in measures aimed at liberalizing public life, as well as in developing programs of economic reforms. In the field of foreign policy, the concept of multivectorness remains the determining one, in the framework of which signs of strengthening the Russian vector are observed.
Keywords: K.-J.Tokayev, N.Nazarbayev, events in Korday district, transition to the Latin alphabet, the 16th Russia – Kazakhstan Interregional Cooperation Forum
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