// Russia and New States of Eurasia. 2019. no. I (ÕLII). P. 37-49
Abstract. Currently Belarus while remaining a ñentral figure in its geographical region has significantly lost its regional opportunities. This is noticeable, first of all, in the Baltic direction. A significant role in creating such a situation was played by the Baltic elite which brought their countries into NATO and the EU. It resulted in a distortion and limitation of opportunities of historical and territorial development. Belarus should take the initiative of restoring historical and territorial ties. Latvia seems to be the most promising direction for activation of such relations. Thus there exist solid prerequisites for an activation of the Belarusian-Latvian relations. In the territories adjacent to both countries it is possible to create joint projects in the areas of tourism, transport, energy. Latvia's involvement in bilateral cooperation may prevent further militarization of the Latvian territory. It is also possible to give the Belarusian-Latvian relations the status of an experiment of establishing cooperation between the EAEU and the EU. Much will depend on the ability of Belarus to use the situation properly.
Keywords: Belarus, Latvia, bilateral relations, economic ties, NATO, EU, Baltic stereotypes, Latgale, Vitebsk region, soft power, international authority
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