International Terrorist Organizations and Their Activities in the Post-Soviet Space
// Russia and New States of Eurasia. 2017. no. 4. P. 105-116
// Russia and New States of Eurasia. 2017. no. 4. P. 105-116
Rubric: Conflicts and security problems
Abstract. The article presents a short survey of spreading radical religious ideas in post-Soviet Moslem states and Russia. Strengthening of state control over the religious situation in these countries at the beginning of 2000s has led to restriction of areas allowed for activities of foreign religious organizations and international religious charity foundations as well as to a legal ban of those recognized as terrorist ones. There are official lists of such prohibited organizations in many post-Soviet states (Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, Russia, Tajikistan).
Until the middle of the current decade the highest concern of law-protecting agencies of the post-Soviet states and Russia was caused by activities of two or-ganizations – Hizb-ut-Tahrir al-Islami and Tablighi Jamaat. The article presents a short survey of the history, aims and strategies of these organizations in the post-Soviet space.
Keywords: terrorism, extremism, radicalism, post-Soviet countries, Islam
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