7. Shawlai Ellina
Challenges for India’s Agriculture: Towards a New Green Revolution?
Challenges for India’s Agriculture: Towards a New Green Revolution?

12. Makeev Yu., Salitskii Alexander, Semenova N.
Decarbonization in Ñhina: energy transition and financing challenges
Decarbonization in Ñhina: energy transition and financing challenges

17. Zaklyazminskaya Ekaterina
China's Tourism Crisis During the Pandemic: New Approaches and Transformation of «Zero-COVID-19» Policy
China's Tourism Crisis During the Pandemic: New Approaches and Transformation of «Zero-COVID-19» Policy

26. Yemelyanova Olesya
The Problem of Energy Transition in Japan and Its Solution
The Problem of Energy Transition in Japan and Its Solution

27. Kondrat’ev Vladimir
Commodity goods forecast
Commodity goods forecast

30. Bunina Anastasia
US-Russia Rivalry and Cooperation in the Nuclear Energy Industry
US-Russia Rivalry and Cooperation in the Nuclear Energy Industry

36. Zaklyazminskaya Ekaterina
Tourism Industry in China's Development Strategy. – Moscow, IMEMO, 2021. – 234 p.
Tourism Industry in China's Development Strategy. – Moscow, IMEMO, 2021. – 234 p.

38. Zaklyazminskaya Ekaterina, Sychev V.
Export of China’s Nuclear Power Technologies: Between Politics and Economy
Export of China’s Nuclear Power Technologies: Between Politics and Economy

39. Medzhidova Dzhanneta
Energy transition and asset specificity transformation of the European gas market
Energy transition and asset specificity transformation of the European gas market
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