252. Bogacheva Olga, Sidorenko V, Yastrebova O
Adoption of Program Budgeting: Issues and Solutions / Bogacheva Olga V., Sidorenko Valery V., Yastrebova Olga K.
Adoption of Program Budgeting: Issues and Solutions / Bogacheva Olga V., Sidorenko Valery V., Yastrebova Olga K.

256. Sidorova Elena
Supranational Budget Regulation in the EU: Crisis and after Crisis / The Financial Crisis and Political Economy of the International Relations.7th Russian International Studies Association Convention. MGIMO-University, 2012, 28-29 September. Ed. I.N. Platonova. Moscow, Aspect-Press, MGIMO-University, 2013. P. 84-91.
Supranational Budget Regulation in the EU: Crisis and after Crisis / The Financial Crisis and Political Economy of the International Relations.7th Russian International Studies Association Convention. MGIMO-University, 2012, 28-29 September. Ed. I.N. Platonova. Moscow, Aspect-Press, MGIMO-University, 2013. P. 84-91.

266. Kondrat’ev Vladimir
Role of the State in Mining Industry
Role of the State in Mining Industry

270. Volodin Andrey , Lapkin Vladimir , Pantin Vladimir
Mr. Crisis, How Are You to Be Addressed Now?
Mr. Crisis, How Are You to Be Addressed Now?

272. Sidorova Elena
United Kingdom: Peculiarities of State and Municipal Regulation of the Economy / Improving the System of State and Municipal Administration in Russia: Economic Aspects. Series of "Economic and social problems of Russia". Coll. of Sc. Papers. Chief Ed. N. Makasheva. Moscow, INION RAN, 2009. Iss. 2. P. 40-58.
United Kingdom: Peculiarities of State and Municipal Regulation of the Economy / Improving the System of State and Municipal Administration in Russia: Economic Aspects. Series of "Economic and social problems of Russia". Coll. of Sc. Papers. Chief Ed. N. Makasheva. Moscow, INION RAN, 2009. Iss. 2. P. 40-58.

280. Ivanova Natalya, Kuznetsov Alexey, Makarov I., Melvil A., Tschernych M., Yakobson L., Yakovlev A.
Круглый стол по обсуждению статьи А.А. Яковлева «Куда идет глобальный капитализм?» // Мир России. Социология. Этнология. 2022. Т. 31, № 3. С. 6-32. DOI 10.17323/1811-038X-2022-31-3-6-32.
Круглый стол по обсуждению статьи А.А. Яковлева «Куда идет глобальный капитализм?» // Мир России. Социология. Этнология. 2022. Т. 31, № 3. С. 6-32. DOI 10.17323/1811-038X-2022-31-3-6-32.
Уважаемые коллеги! К сожалению, Ежегодники СИПРИ не поступают в открытую продажу. Пожалуйста, обращайтесь в Центр международной безопасности, если речь идет о небольшом количестве экземпляров