1. Duda P,, Kelman I,, Glick N., Sokolenko V., Pusenkova Nina , Nikitina Elena
Disaster risk perceptions and multinational cooperation in Barentsburg, Svalbard // Polar Record. 2022. Vol. 58, Art. e6. DOI 10.1017/S003224742200002X. URL: https://doi.org/10.1017/S003224742200002X. Published online : 14.03.2022.
Disaster risk perceptions and multinational cooperation in Barentsburg, Svalbard // Polar Record. 2022. Vol. 58, Art. e6. DOI 10.1017/S003224742200002X. URL: https://doi.org/10.1017/S003224742200002X. Published online : 14.03.2022.
2. Aukutsionek Sergey , Demina Natalia
Outline of REB surveys and clarification to the series. Russian Economic Barometer, 2022, No 1(85). P. 23-26
Outline of REB surveys and clarification to the series. Russian Economic Barometer, 2022, No 1(85). P. 23-26
3. Aukutsionek Sergey , Demina Natalia
Outline of REB surveys and clarification to the series. Russian Economic Barometer, 2022, No 2(86). P. 13-18
Outline of REB surveys and clarification to the series. Russian Economic Barometer, 2022, No 2(86). P. 13-18
4. Aukutsionek Sergey , Demina Natalia
Outline of REB Surveys and Clarification to the Series. Russian Economic Barometer, 2022, No 3(87). P. 18-23
Outline of REB Surveys and Clarification to the Series. Russian Economic Barometer, 2022, No 3(87). P. 18-23
5. Aukutsionek Sergey , Demina Natalia
Outline of REB Surveys and Clarification to the Series. Russian Economic Barometer, 2022, No 4(88). P. 22-27
Outline of REB Surveys and Clarification to the Series. Russian Economic Barometer, 2022, No 4(88). P. 22-27
6. Aukutsionek Sergey , Demina Natalia
Outline of REB Surveys and Clarification to the Series. Russian Economic Barometer, 2023, No 1(89). P. 18-23
Outline of REB Surveys and Clarification to the Series. Russian Economic Barometer, 2023, No 1(89). P. 18-23
7. Aukutsionek Sergey , Demina Natalia
Outline of REB Surveys and Clarification to the Series. Russian Economic Barometer, 2023, No 2(90). P. 13-17
Outline of REB Surveys and Clarification to the Series. Russian Economic Barometer, 2023, No 2(90). P. 13-17
8. Aukutsionek Sergey , Demina Natalia
Outline of REB Surveys and Clarification to the Series. Russian Economic Barometer, 2023, No 4(92). P. 21-25
Outline of REB Surveys and Clarification to the Series. Russian Economic Barometer, 2023, No 4(92). P. 21-25
9. Aukutsionek Sergey , Demina Natalia
Outline of REB Surveys and Clarification to the Series. Russian Economic Barometer, 2023, No 3(91). P. 16-20
Outline of REB Surveys and Clarification to the Series. Russian Economic Barometer, 2023, No 3(91). P. 16-20
10. Vylegzhanin A., Kienko Elena
Consultative meetings of non-Arctic states on the status of the Arctic
Consultative meetings of non-Arctic states on the status of the Arctic
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