3. Yemelyanova Olesya
Factors and Prospects of Japan's Transition to Digital Society. , 2020, No 4. P. 52-61
Factors and Prospects of Japan's Transition to Digital Society. , 2020, No 4. P. 52-61

17. Kochetkov A., Vasilenko I., Kovalenko V., Soloviyev A., Kirsanova E., Gadzhiev Kamaludin, Volodenkov S.
Political Project for Russia: Prospects for Implementation in the Context of Challenges and Risks of Digitalization of Society
Political Project for Russia: Prospects for Implementation in the Context of Challenges and Risks of Digitalization of Society

21. Mamedyarov Zaur
Accelerating Digitalization during the Pandemic: Global and Russian Cases
Accelerating Digitalization during the Pandemic: Global and Russian Cases

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