Earth in porthole: smart value chains. Part 1. Sharing, uniting... and conquer!
ISSN 2070-8963
DOI 10.22184/2070-8963.2018.
Global value chains are one of the classic examples of new forms of the international division of labor, the innovative interconnectedness of the world economy. They account from 60% to 80% of the planetary circulation of goods and services annually. The basis of their life and growth is progress in the digital technology industry.
Keywords: distribution of profitability | global value chains | international division of labor | localization of production | outsourcing | production of smartphones |
Russian Science Citation Index
Shultseva Vera
World in porthole: smart value chains. Part 2. Innovative egoism
Kondrat’ev Vladimir
Global Value Chains, Industry 4.0 and Industrial Policy
Nevskaya Anastasia, Kondeev A.
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Shultseva Vera
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Kondrat’ev Vladimir
Industry 4.0 and Global Value Chains
Kondrat’ev Vladimir
Global Value Chains as a Form of Industry Transnationalization
Kupina Lyudmila
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Varnavskii Vladimir
The EU and Russia in Global Value Chains
Shultseva Vera
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Varnavskii Vladimir
The EU and Russia in Global Value Chains
Sinitsyn Mikhail
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Zagashvili Vladislav
Foreign experience of import substitution and possible conclusions for Russia
Nozdrev Stanislav
Regional Trade Integration in Asia and the Pacific: Assessing Opportunities
Chudinova Ksenia
Global Value Chains Transformation and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Solutions and Strategies of American MNEs
Rogozhin Alexander
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Tatuzov Viktor
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