`Зеленая` трансформация Японии (GX) и инициатива GX League // Проблемы экономики и управления нефтегазовым комплексом. 2023. № 3 (219). С. 37-43. DOI 10.33285/1999-6942-2023-3(219)-37-43.
ISSN 1999-6942
DOI 10.33285/1999-6942-2023-3(219)-37-43
This article analyzes one of the key initiatives of Japan's new energy policy, called the "green" transformation (GX). The goal of decarbonizing economies is one of the biggest current global trends. Another important goal for Japan is to ensure the country's energy security. Japan is one of the largest consumers of energy in the world, as well as one of the largest importers of energy resources. Such a situation is highly unstable to ensure the stable life of the country. To achieve its goals, the country's government is preparing a set of various measures aimed at involving all participants of the social, scientific, industrial and administrative spheres in the process of "green" transformation of the Japanese economy. The article presents the cases of some major companies of Japan, which have supported the "green" initiative of the government and have taken certain measures to reduce harmful emissions in their production. The article also gives an example of criticism of the implemented policy.
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