Salitskii Alexander, Tatsii V.
Зарождение биполярности или солидерство? / А.И. Салицкий, В.В. Таций // Восток. Афро-Азиатские общества: История и современность. – 2012. – № 3. – С. 87–97.
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 The need for reappraisal of current approaches to world economy is quite evident. That is the reason why the editorial board of Восток "Oriens" has decided to animate a discussion on the article by A. Salitsky and V. Tatsiy1. In the 2000-s, in the context of the global fi nancial and economic crisis, important shifts in the world economy were observed. The Chinese model of economic development has manifested its sustainability; China became the second in the world in terms of volume of its Gross Domestic Product and the fi rst among the world exporters. In the context of crisis talks on failure of neoliberalism - the mainstream of economics have emerged. However, it is noteworthy that other economic theories exist (and coexist) with the mainstream such as the Keynesian theory. State intervention in the economy (a characteristic feature of the Chinese model) has helped Western countries to diminish negative consequences of the crisis (it is quite coherent with the neoclassic synthesis conception: when the economic situation is favorable, Neo-liberal theory prevails, and when the "economic turbulence" emerges, Keynesian methods presuming State intervention in the economy are applied). The article says there is the lack of well-considered appraisals of the current world economy situation. A set of problems arises. Do we really witness a "sunset" of postindustrial economy with the leading place of services as well as of the United States leadership in the world economy? Will the Chinese economic model replace the mainstream of economics? Is there a threat of failure of world fi nancial system, and what number of losers will there be in this case? Will regionalization take place of globalization? These questions are vital from theoretical point of view as well as from practical and political points of view. Scientists from the Russian Academy of Sciences institutes - the Institute of Oriental Studies, the Institute of the Far East, the Institute of World Economy and International Economic Relations, of the Institute of Asian and African Countries of the Moscow Lomonosov State University give certain answers to these questions. They suppose different approaches to problems discussed focusing on their various aspects. They give an analysis of the Chinese model and the bottlenecks of the Chinese economy, discuss the problems of economic theory; give their appraisal of the world economy situation. The discussion is to be continued in the next issue.

Russian Science Citation Index


Dynkin Alexander
Альтернативы постковидного мира : доклад на Московском академическом экономическом форуме (МАЭФ-21, 26 мая 2021 г ) // Научные труды Вольного экономического общества России. 2021. Т. 230, №4. С. 71-75. DOI 10.38197/2072-2060-2021-230-4-71-75.

Salitskii Alexander, Виноградов А.
БРИКС: на пути к партнерству [Текст] / А. О. Виноградов, А. И. Салицкий // Перспективы. Электронный журнал. – 2018. – № 1(13). – С. 21-26.

Dynkin Alexander
Структура будущего мирового порядка: дискуссионные вопросы // Вестник Российской академии наук. 2024. Т. 94, № 3. С. 266-274. DOI 10.31857/S0869587324030093.

Simoniya Nodari
Новый мировой порядок: от биполярности к многополюсности [Текст] / Н.А. Симония, А.В. Торкунов // Полис. Политические исследования. – 2015. – № 3. – С. 27 – 37.

Dynkin Alexander
World order transformation: economy, ideology, technology. Polis. Political Studies. 5, 8-23. (In Russ.)

Dynkin Alexander
Международная турбулентность и Россия // Вестник Российской академии наук. 2020. Т. 90, № 3. С. 208-219. DOI 10.31857/S0869587320030032.

Arbatov Alexey , Arbatova Nadezhda
Trump factor in Russia - US relations

Baranovsky Vladimir
Transformation of Global World Order: Dynamics of Systemic Changes

Salitskii Alexander
USA - China: the anatomy of the trade conflict

Klinova Marina
Privatisierung in Russland / M.V. Klinova // Zeitschrift für Gemeinwirtschaft. – 2004. – Jg. 39. – Heft 6. – S. 86-92.

Ivanova Natalya
Наука и инновации: выбор приоритетов [Текст] / Н.И. Иванова // Мир перемен. – 2013. – № 1. – С. 84 – 88.

Stepanova Ekaterina
Афганистан после 2014: перспективы для России // Russie.Nei.Visions, Париж: ИФРИ, май 2013, № 71.

Pusenkova Nina
Российская энергетическая политика на востоке: китайские головоломки Роснефти // Russie.Nei.Visions, Париж: ИФРИ, апрель 2013, № 70.

Semenenko Irina
«Homo Politicus» Facing Alternative Political Developments: Rethinking the Individual Dimension of Politics// Polis Journal.Political Studies, 2012, № 6. P. 9–26.

Baranovsky Vladimir
Basic Parameters of Modern System of International Relations (Part I) // Polis Journal.Political Studies, 2012, № 3. P. 36–44.

Pantin Vladimir
Studying the Prospects of International Political Developments: Problems of a Methodological Synthesis // Polis Journal.Political Studies, 2012, № 6. P. 27–40.

Lapkin Vladimir
«Modernization» and «Capitalism»: Rethinking Contemporary Political Change //Polis Journal.Political Studies, 2012, № 6. P. 41-54

Peregudov Sergey
Monitory Democracy: Building New Relations Between State and Society // Polis Journal.Political Studies, 2012, № 6. P. 55-67

Prokhorenko Irina
On Methodological Problems of Contemporary Political Spaces Analysis // Polis Journal.Political Studies, 2012, № 6. P. 68-80.

Baranovsky Vladimir
Basic Parameters of Modern System of International Relations. Part II. Qualitative Parameters // Polis Journal.Political Studies, 2012, № 4. P. 63–73.
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