Ignatev Sergei
Southeast Asia in China’s Project “The 21st Century Maritime Silk Road”: The Security Dimension
Publication Type:

ISSN 2072-8271

The article focuses upon the security dimension of the project “The 21st Century Maritime Silk Road” (MSR) as part of China’s mega strategy the Belt and Road Initiative in Southeast Asia. On identifying the specificity of MSR through the prism of its concept and the on-going expert debates, the author reveals the likely influence of the traditional and non-traditional security challenges in Southeast Asia on its realization. также дает оценку политике КНР по снижению их остроты. The author finally turns to assessing China’s response to The author concludes that in spite of absence of breakthrough results, in perspective due to objective reasons China’s motivation to protect the part of the MSR passing through Southeast Asia will increase.

Russian Science Citation Index


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Kanaev Evgeny
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"Great Eurasia": interests and possibilities of Russia at interaction with China

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