Leontyeva Elena, Kalmychek P., Kistanov V.
Japan: the Power Shifted — the Problems Remain A. Karneev. «Chongqing Model»: What Was It? Part 2 / Kalmychek P., Kistanov V., Leontieva E.
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 In 2012 — early 2013 Japan's political situation remained unstable. The Democratic Party, which came to power in late 2009, had not been able to fulfill its campaign promises and, as a result, suffered a defeat in the parliamentary elections in December 2012. The returned to power Liberal Democratic Party also faces a number of serious domestic and foreign policy challenges. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is going to pull the economy out of stagnation and exercise rigid external policy, including the resolution of territorial disputes with neighbouring countries.

Keywords: democratic party of Japan | liberal democratic party of Japan | shinzo abe |

Russian Science Citation Index


Prokhorenko Irina
Federica Mogherini: the new face of the European diplomacy

Voda Kristina
Japaneese Politics in Asia-Pacific Region and Interests of Russia

Shvydko Vitaly, Belov A., Lebedeva I.
Roundtable “The Legacy of Shinzo Abe Cabinets: Politics, Economics, Diplomacy”

Preobrazhenskaya Arina
Поражение Республиканцев на выборах в 2017 г.: социально-экономические и политические факторы [Текст] / А. А. Преображенская // Исторические исследования. Журнал Исторического факультета МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова. – 2018. – № 2(10). – С. 89-101.

Shvydko Vitaly
Changes in the system of government support for science and innovation in Japan

Voda Kristina
Japan in the Pacific region. Foreign policy strategy

Yevtodyeva Marianna
"Белая книга по обороне" и оборонные программы Японии в 2013 году [Текст] / М.Г. Евтодьева // Проблемы Дальнего Востока. – 2014. – № 2. – С. 93 – 99.

Voda Kristina
Relocation of the U.S. Military Bases Problem in Japan - U.S. Relations: the Okinawa Vector / Voda K.R.

Rabotyazhev Nikolay
Лейбористская партия Великобритании: вперёд, в прошлое? [Текст] / Н.В. Работяжев // Полития: Анализ. Хроника. Прогноз. – 2016. – № 4. – С. 108 – 127.

Yevtodyeva Marianna
Japan: New Trends in Research and Development of Defense and Dual-Use Technologies

Voda Kristina
International Development Assistance and Security Interests in Japan''s Policy

Yemelyanova Olesya, Shcherbakov Denis
Land Tax Reform in Meiji Japan and Its Outcomes

Cherkasov Petr
«Неприличная» партия [Текст] / П.П. Черкасов // Эксперт. – 2015. – № 51 (969). – С. 23 – 25.

Sheinis Viktor
The devolution of the electoral system in Russia / V. Sheinis // Russian Politics and Law. – 2014. – V. 52. –Issue 2. – P. 60-76.

Kostyukova Korinna
"Зеленая" трансформация Японии (GX) и инициатива GX League // Проблемы экономики и управления нефтегазовым комплексом. 2023. № 3 (219). С. 37-43. DOI 10.33285/1999-6942-2023-3(219)-37-43.

Podchasov Nikolay
Internal political crisis in Bulgaria (2021-2023)

Nadein-Raevskii Victor
Турция на пороге непростого выбора [Текст] / В.А. Надеин-Раевский // Международная жизнь. – 2014. – №  3. – С. 110 – 125.

Peregudov Sergey
National-State Identity and the Problems of the Russian State’s Consolidation.

Voda Kristina
Japan and U.S. in the Indo-Pacific region under the J. Biden administration

Leontyeva Elena
Deflationary Crisis in Japan. Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2007.
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