World War II in Public Opinion of Modern Germany / Vasilyev V.I.
In the article is analyzed by historians and politicians of the unified Germany the process of reconsideration of history of World War II 1939-1945, in particular its major part German-Soviet war 1941-1945. Discussions in the society of Germany on the occasion of the 70 anniversary of attack of the Third Reich to the USSR became a large contribution to date fixing "on June 22, 1941" in the German culture of historical memory. Now in Germany the tendency to further reconciliation between the people of Germany and Russia is fixed.
Keywords: world war ii | the great patriotic war of the soviet union against hitlerite germany | debate in the bundestag of germany on the subject «june 22 | 1941» |
Russian Science Citation Index
Vasiliev Victor
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Vasiliev Victor
Distortion of the history of the Second World War is the treat to the Security of Europe
Krivopalov Alexey
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The Twilight of the Big Battalions. Historical Study of the Military Conflicts of the Future
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