Terskikh Mikhail
Вьетнам – Quad: неизбежное сближение? // Вьетнамские исследования. Серия 2. 2021. № 2. С. 6-24. DOI 10.24412/2618-9453-2021-2-6-24.
Publication Type:

ISSN 2618-9453

DOI 10.24412/2618-9453-2021-2-6-24

The consequences of the intensified competition of the great powers in recent years are especially clear in Southeast Asia. The launch of the Quadrennial Security Dialogue (Quad) by Washington, Tokyo, Canberra and New Delhi as part of their national Indo-Pacific strategies raised the question of further expanding this format and its interaction with the states of the region. Taking into account the obvious antiChinese orientation of the group, Vietnam is viewed as a promising partner, as it progressively develops bilateral ties with all four countries. The author comes to the conclusion that the proximity of the interests of Vietnam and Quad in curbing the growth of the PRC's influence in Asia-Pacific does not inevitably lead to the joining of Vietnam to the Quartet. Hanoi's unwillingness to complicate the already uneasy relations with Beijing (joining the anti-Chinese bloc will obviously not benefit bilateral ties) stipulates "flexible" formats of interaction with Quad on various topical regional issues. At the same time, it appears that Vietnamese course for the consistent strengthening of bilateral relations with the four mentioned states, including cooperation in the field of defense and security, will be continued.


Keywords: Vietnam | US-China competition | Quad | Indo-Pacific | Southeast Asia | security and defense cooperation | Belt and Road Initiative |

Russian Science Citation Index


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Kanaev Evgeny
US-ASEAN Cooperation on the South China Sea Issue

Kanaev Evgeny
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Lukonin Sergey, Kanaev Evgeny
Southeast Asia as a Prospective Area of China-Russia Cooperation: the Belt and Road Initiative Opportunity

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The Indo-Pacific Strategy of the Biden Administration: Continuity and New Trends

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