Rustamova Leili
Возможности и ограничения Турции как посредника в российско-украинских переговорах // Право и управление. XXI век. 2022. Т. 18, № 3 (64). С. 10-18. DOI 10.24833/2073-8420-2022-3-64-10-18.
Publication Type:

ISSN 2073-8420

DOI 10.24833/2073-8420-2022-3-64-10-18

State mediation remains a requested activity in practical politics and an actual topic in the research field, as the number of conflicts has increased dramatically in the last decade, as well as long-standing frozen conflicts, which are poorly managed by intergovernmental organizations have escalated. At the same time, mediation and its principles are in the process of evolution, as more often large regional players become mediators, which themselves are active parties to conflicts. Under the change, in particular, was the principle of neutrality. This article focuses on the analysis of Turkey's mediation initiatives in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and how it uses mediation to achieve its foreign policy goals. The article analyzes the goals of Turkish mediation, its ability to advance the negotiation process between the parties and the limitations that affect Turkey's position as a mediator.

Keywords: mediation | Turkey | Russia | Ukraine | Black Sea region | trade and economic relations | energy security | food security |

Russian Science Citation Index


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Frumkin Boris
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Frumkin Boris
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Andreeva Nina
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Romashkina Natalia
Russian national security in the context western sanctions and response of the Russian Federation

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Klinova Marina
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Russia’s economic interests on Northern Africa

Simoniya Nodari
European Union’s energy security and Russia.

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Kerch crisis and the status of the Azov Sea

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Malysheva Dina
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Энергетическая безопасность глобализирующегося мира и Россия. Под ред. Симония Н.А., Жукова С.В. М., ИМЭМО РАН, 2008, 354 с.

Romashkina Natalia
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Migranyan Azganush
Экономический потенциал России в странах СНГ: 30 лет спустя // Обозреватель-Observer. 2021. № 9 (380). С. 34-51. DOI 10.48137/2074-2975_2021_9_34.

Pritchin Stanislav
Место Центральной Азии и Каспийского региона в энергетической и транспортной стратегии Турции // Геоэкономика энергетики. 2022. № 3 (19). С. 21-36. DOI 10.48137/26870703_2022_19_3_21.
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