Obolenskiy Vladimir
Resources and restrictions of the politics substitution of the import in industry
Publication Type:

ISSN 2072-8042

The author makes a comparison of the general parameters of the Russian import and the import of the countries which belong to the group of the largest world importers. The analysis allows to conclude that the absolute and the relative size of the Russian import is not excessive. The article deals with the part the import plays in the solving of the social and economic problems of the country including the filling-up of the consumers’ market and the backing of the reproduction process. and gives estimation of the dependence of different national markets of the production of the manufacturing industry. It also analyzes resources for taking for finding substitutions for the import including the use of the instruments of trade policy. The author comes to the conclusion that the realization of such steps in the conditions of the expected recession of the national economics will be problematic. The total substitution of the import in all manufacturing sectors might lead to negative economic consequences. 

Keywords: substitutions for the import | growth of the national industry | investments | restriction of the import |

Russian Science Citation Index


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