Kokeev Alexander, Khorolskaya Maria
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Economic and Political Situation in Germany. Part 1
Publication Type:

ISSN 2618-7914

DOI 10.15211/vestnikieran32021101109

The COVID-19 epidemic has become a major security challenge for Germany. The country was faced with the need to protect its own citizens, transform the health care system and support the economy. On the eve of the elections to the Bundestag, German elite concern how COVID-19 and restrictive measures will affect the electoral preferences of the population. At the same time, the pandemic has become a test for European solidarity. The first isolationist reaction of the EU member states gave way to attempts to find a solution at the supranational level. In a twopart article, the team of authors made an attempt to analyze how the German government solves the problems facing the country at the national and European levels, as well as to identify how citizens’ moods change under the influence of the pandemic, what predictions can be made about the results of the upcoming elections to the Bundestag. The first part is devoted to German anti-virus policy, as well as a study of economic damage and measures to support the economy. The second will analyze the FRG’s policy at the European level, as well as the impact of the pandemic on the mood in society and the political preferences of Germans.

Keywords: Germany | COVID-19 | vaccination | quarantine | restrictive measures | economic downturn | business support package |

Russian Science Citation Index


Kokeev Alexander, Khorolskaya Maria
Impact of the Pandemic on the Economic and Political Situation in Germany. Part 2

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