Todorov Andrey
Внешняя политика США в Арктике: от американоцентризма Трампа к многосторонности Байдена? // Проблемы национальной стратегии. 2021. № 3 (66). С. 42-59. DOI 10.52311/2079-3359_2021_3_42.
Publication Type:

ISSN 2079-3359

DOI 10.52311/2079-3359_2021_3_42

The author strives to predict how J. Biden’s election as the U.S. president would alternate the Arctic line of Washington’s policy in comparison with the previous administration. The analysis is focused on three key directions: military security, multilateral international cooperation and the U.S. attitude to Russia. The conclusion is that the strategic course of the U.S. policy would not be changed greatly, which is explained by the long-term national interests in the region and the wider global context. However, the author anticipates some shifts in emphases on a number of foreign policy issues, mostly concerning the climate policy, which has recently been reestablished as one of the top national priorities of the USA.

Russian Science Citation Index


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New risks and opportunities for interstate cooperation in the Arctic

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Denmark in the Arctic: Robbing Peter to Pay Paul or Feeding the White Elephant?

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The Conflict Potential of the Arctic: Myth or Reality?

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Todorov Andrey
The UK’s interests in the Arctic

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