The Taste of War: the Danish Collaborationism under the German Occupation in 1940–1945
ISSN 2079-8784
DOI 10.18254/S207987840016460-5
The article deals with the phenomenon of the Danish economic collaboration during the German occupation of Denmark in 1940–1945. The occupation of Denmark is a unique case among other occupied European countries such as France, Belgium and the Netherlands during the Second World War where Germany openly pursued the policy of economic exploitation and introduced strict rationing practices. The peculiar “soft” conduct of the Danish occupation is mainly attributed to the special role Denmark’s agricultural exports played in the German war economy. Under the occupation the efficient system of production and food consumption control was devised in Denmark which met the interests and needs of both the Danish population and Germany’s economy. The article highlights the specific mechanisms of economic coordination between Denmark and the German occupation authorities within industry and agriculture, and reveals Denmark’s role in the German military and economic plans.
Keywords: Denmark | economic collaborationism | occupation | Second World War | Germany | Erik Scavenius | Cecil von Renthe-Fink | Alex Walter | Werner Best |
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