Вызовы и возможности развития экономики и ТЭК Ирана // Энергетическая политика. 2023. № 5 (183). С. 42-53. DOI 10.46920/2409-5516_2023_5183_42.
ISSN 2409-5516
DOI 10.46920/2409-5516_2023_5183_42
In the article, the authors show the problems and identify the prospects for the development of the fuel and energy complex of Iran in the 21st century. The study analyzes the impact of sanctions on the development of the economy and energy of Iran, shows that Iran was able to weaken the impact of sanctions and achieved tangible progress in the development of the national economic complex. The impact of sanctions on the oil and gas industry has led to the need to develop the country’s petrochemical industry, the Islamic Republic of Iran has become one of the suppliers of oil and gas chemistry products to neighboring countries. The authors analyze the development of the oil and gas industries of Iran and show the prospects for the development of the country’s economy and energy after its entry into the SCO and the implementation of the North-South ITC project, and also identify the prospects for cooperation between the state and the Russian Federation. become one of the suppliers of oil and gas chemistry products to neighboring countries. The authors analyze the development of the oil and gas industries of Iran and show the prospects for the development of the country’s economy and energy after its entry into the SCO and the implementation of the North-South ITC project, and also identify the prospects for cooperation between the state and the Russian Federation.
Keywords: Iran | oil | gas | petrochemistry | gas chemistry | Russian Federation | North-South International Transport Corridor |
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