Vasiliev Victor
The European Policy of Germany. Experience, Problems, Perspectives. – Moscow, IMEMO, 2020. – 226 р.
Publication Type:

ISBN 978-5-9535-0574-1

DOI 10.20542/978-5-9535-0574-1

The monograph deals with the evolution of the European policy of the Federal Republic of Germany. It explores the role and place of Germany in the Euro-Atlantic and Euro-integration processes, the trends of the EU evolution after the 2019 elections to the European Parliament, as well as discussions on the EU reforms. The book examines the state and prospects of Germany’s interaction with EU, NATO, USA in defense and security affairs; the approaches of the German government, main political parties, expert community towards these problems, including possible make-up of the “Army of Europeans”. It studies the impact of Berlin to transition process in the Central and Eastern Europe countries and in the post-Soviet area. The monograph reveals the nuances of the German policy in the dialogue with the Russia and outlines the possible mutual compromises for normalization of bilateral relations where the Ukrainian crises remains the key problem. The monograph is targeted to researches, professors and lectures, post-graduates, students and for wider range of readers who are interested in current issues of German policy and international relations.

Keywords: Germany | European policy | EU evolution | German policy |


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