В фокусе внимания – иберийские страны: тез. докл. «Круглый стол» ИЛА РАН (Москва, 23.02 2012 ) / И.Л. Прохоренко // Латинская Америка. – 2012. – № 10. – С. 48–62
On May 2012 in the Institute of Latin America of RAC was held a «round table» on the topic «The Iberian countries at the start of the XXI century: experience and lessons». Scientific staff of the ILA of RAC, the specialists from the Institute of Europe and the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of RAC, Financial University under the government of the Russian Federation, post-graduate students participated in the work of the round table. Were received 14 reports, which allowed drawing up a comprehensive picture of the current state of Affairs in the Iberian countries - Spain and Portugal. It was about a change of government and new political cycles, a complex processes in financial and economic sphere, the social consequences of the crisis and foreign policy.
Keywords: Iberian countries | the European Union | models of development | financial-economic crisis | elections | social problems | Foreign policy |
Russian Science Citation Index
Toganova Natalia
German parties and economic crisis: Ideology, aspirations of majority or economic efficiency / Toganova N.V.
Solovyev Eduard
Разделенные проблемы / Э.Г. Соловьёв // Прямые инвестиции. – 2012. – № 12. – С. 8–10.
Karasev Pavel
Внешняя политика США в киберпространстве при Дж.Байдене - первые шаги // Вестник ученых-международников : электронный журнал. 2021. Т. 2, № 16. С. 21-30. URL: http://dipacademy.ru/documents/3182/216.pdf. Дата публикации: 30.08.2021.
Prokhorenko Irina
Eurozone Crisis As a Challenge to the Spanish Development Model
Arbatov Alexey
Россия-США-Евросоюз: проблемы ПРО и РСМД / А.Г. Арбатов // Современная Европа. – 2008. – № 3. – С. 1–22.
Arbatov Alexey
Russia-USA-EU: problems of ABMD and MSRM.
Obolenskiy Vladimir
Foreign Economic Relations of Russia: Some Lessons from the Global Crisis / V. Obolensky
Что ожидает Таиланд после парламентских выборов – возможные сценарии развития ситуации [Текст] / Н. Г. Рогожина // Юго-Восточная Азия: актуальные проблемы развития. – 2019. – Т. 1. – № 2 (43). – С. 142-151.
Sidorova Elena
Anti-crisis programmes in Germany and Great Britain / Sidorova E.A. // World Economics. – 2010. – No 4. – 2010. – P. 29-37.
Kvashnin Yuri
The welfare state in Greece: origins, development, reforms
Avatkov Vladimir, Sbitneva A.
Political course of modern Turke. The main features of domestic and foreign policy of 2019
Volkov Aleksei
The results of elections to European parliament 2019 in the Nordic countries: Statistics
Reznikova Oksana, Sinitsyn Mikhail, Gakhokidze Irine
Long-term Scenarios of Global Power Industry Development: Main Tendencies and Uncertainties. Outlines of global transformations: politics, economics, law. 2022;15(2):33-48. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.31249/kgt/2022.02.02
Potapov Maxim
On the Growth Factors and Model of Economic Development of China
Chetverikova Anna
Структурные изменения в экономиках стран Вишеградской группы // Российский экономический журнал. 2020. № 3. С. 77-89. DOI 10.33983/0130-9757-2020-3-77-89.
Grigoriev Leonid, Agibalov C., Salihov M.
Ukraine: Divarication of Transformation / L. Grigoriev, S. Agibalov, M. Salikhov
Zhuravleva Victoria, Bunina Anastasia
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Gutnick Anna
Economic crisis in the UK: it’s specific features and measures undertaken to overcome it
Vasiliev Victor
The European Policy of Germany. Experience, Problems, Perspectives. – Moscow, IMEMO, 2020. – 226 р.
Klinova Marina
“Economic Patriotism in Europe: Well Forgotten Old?” // Finansovaya analitika. 21.04.2008
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