Ponedelko Galina
Устойчивое развитие как фактор взаимодействия природы и общества (на примере стран ЕС) // Общественные науки и современность. 2021. № 1. С. 85-93. DOI 10.31857/S086904990013994-5.
Publication Type:

ISSN 0869-0499

DOI 10.31857/S086904990013994-5

The article examines the main features of the sustainable development policy of the EU countries over the past two decades. Before the start of the pandemic, its strategic focus was on combating climate change, protecting the environment, and a gradual transition to a carbon-neutral economy and alternative energy sources. Special attention was also paid to developing sustainable tourism as an important factor providing financing and the implementation of sustainable development goals in all its areas (environmental, socio-economic and cultural). Finding themselves among the hardest hit by the Covid-19, the EU countries were among the first to initiate the fight against its consequences, including the intensification of actions to further promote sustainable development in the region. Since mid-2020, the EC and other EU supranational bodies have developed and adopted new ambitious programs to protect the environment from climate changes, set a course for building a new digital and green Europe, turning it by 2050 into the first continent free from CO2 and other emissions, into the leader of world energy and a new eco-social society. An integral part of the European green strategy remains further promotion of sustainable tourism on the domestic territory. The future “post-pandemic” image of European international tourism is still uncertain.

Keywords: sustainable tourism | responsible tourism | ecological tourism | smart cities | competitive factors | integral index of sustainable tourism | cultural potential | European Green Deal |

Russian Science Citation Index


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