Kulakova Vasilisa
USA in the emerging system of global financial regulation [Text] / V.K. Kulakova // Sravnitelnaya politika-Comparative politics. – 2016. – Vol. 7. – № 3(24). – P. 55 – 60.
Publication Type:

ISSN 2412-4990

DOI 10.18611/2221-3279-2016-7-3(24)-55-60

In the globalizing world of financial and economic interdependence, a polycentric, multi-level, and hierarchical system of global financial regulation is emerging. The article highlights two vectors of recent development in international financial regulation: the rise of cooperation through the mechanisms of the Group of Twenty (G-20) on the one hand, and the efforts to maintain the US leading role in global finance, on the other hand. In the circumstances of the global financial crisis of 2008, the G-20 countries initiated an international reform of financial regulation. According to G-20 decisions, international standardsetting organizations developed transnational regulatory regimes in the fields of banking, derivatives and bankruptcy resolution, and the states now implement these regimes in their jurisdictions. The so-called “soft law system”, which is not legally binding, allows the states to sustain national sovereignty in their financial policy. The United States play a leading role in the international financial reform, as well as in the shaping of the global financial regulation system. The American regulators push for extraterritorial application of the US norms and take other unilateral actions on the international arena. The article also touches upon legitimacy problems of the emerging system of global financial regulation. The most important constrains are the excessive infl uence of the financial industry (“regulatory capture”), the weakness of civil society participation, and also the fact that for the rest of the world the American norms lack legitimacy, as they are adopted by regulators assigned by officials elected by population of a foreign territory. 

Russian Science Citation Index


Kulakova Vasilisa
Global Role of U.S. Federal Reserve System

Kulakova Vasilisa
Difficulties of the Financial Reform in the USA / Kulakova Vasilisa

Strezhneva Marina
Multi-level Financial Governance in the European Union

New Approaches to Global Financial Regulation / Khudyakova L.S., ed. – Moscow, IMEMO, 2015. – 162 p.

Mirkin Yakov
An anatomy of price formation on oil as the financial asset

Krinichansky K., Rubtsov Boris
Financial sector regulation on the agenda of economic Policy reforms

Financial Regulation in the US under Donald Trump

Bogaevskaya Oksana, Kulakova Vasilisa
Post-Crisis Regulation of Foreign Banking Organizations in the USA

Prokhorenko Irina
Политические аспекты реформы финансового регулирования в Испании / И.Л. Прохоренко // Вестник МГИМО -университета. – 2012. – № 1. – С. 149–155.

Mirkin Yakov
Регулирование глобальных финансов [Текст] / Я.М. Миркин // Вестник НАУФОР. – 2014. – № 7-8. – С. 68 – 81.

Strezhneva Marina
The EU’s Participation In Global Financial Governance

Международный финансовый кризис: новый этап глобального экономического развития? Ответственный редактор чл.-корр. РАН Королев И.С. М., ИМЭМО РАН, 1999, 11,5 п.л.

Gontmakher Evgeniy
World Migration Processes: The Need of Global Regulation / Gontmakher Evgeny

Sidorova Elena
Supranational Budget Regulation in the EU: Crisis and after Crisis / The Financial Crisis and Political Economy of the International Relations.7th Russian International Studies Association Convention. MGIMO-University, 2012, 28-29 September. Ed. I.N. Platonova. Moscow, Aspect-Press, MGIMO-University, 2013. P. 84-91.

Grigoriev Leonid, Salihov M.
Financial Crisis-2008: Entering Global Recession / L. Grigoriev, M. Salikhov

Prokhorenko Irina
Испания в «Группе двадцати»: параметры участия и сферы взаимодействия [Текст] / И.Л. Прохоренко // Ибероамериканские тетради. – 2015. – № 4 (6). – С. 53 – 61.

Bragina Elena
Актуальная книга на сложную тему // Азия и Африка сегодня. 2020. № 1. С. 76-78. DOI 10.31857/S032150750008171-0. Рец. на кн.: Морозенская, Е. В. Государственное регулирование экономики в Африке / ред. В. П. Морозов. Москва : ИАфр РАН, 2018. 214 с.

Sidorova Elena
Fiscal Policy in the EU. Manual. Moscow: MGIMO-University, 2014, 282 p.

Rubtsov Boris
Изменения в архитектуре финансовых рынков после мирового экономического кризиса 2007-2009 гг. // Банковские услуги. 2020. № 10. С. 9-21. DOI 10.36992/2075-1915_2020_10 _9.

Batyaeva Alexandra
Влияние недостатка и избытка труда и капитала на финансовое положение промышленных предприятий в РФ (1993–2022 гг.) // Экономическое развитие России. 2023. Т. 30, № 8. С. 22-36.
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