Циркумполярный фронт гибридной войны коллективного запада против РФ (цивилизационный аспект) // Вестник Института мировых цивилизаций. 2024. Том 15. № 2 (43). С. 22-29.
ISSN 2587-6236
The article examines the impact of the unfolding hybrid war of the collective West against the Russian Federation on the development of the Arctic Circumpolar Civilization (ACC). When exploring the topic, the author used the methodology of system analysis, a spatial approach, as well as the “ACC” paradigm developed by the Russian civilization school (included in the system of civilizational genotypes fifth generation), proven within the framework of the theory of local civilizations. The article was also based on case-studies previously conducted by the author on Trans-Arctic issues. Considering the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation (AZ RF) as a subsystem of the ACC localized in the Trans-Arctic, the author states that this Russian region has gained a key place in global interaction and outlines promising areas of international cooperation, because it is the Trans-Arctic that embodies the circumpolar metamorphoses of globalization based on the partnership of states, peoples and local civilizations. Particular emphasis is placed on the prospects for the development of the ACC in the context of the “tragic split” of the Arctic Council (AC) [Arctic Eight, A8] into A7+1 [the Arctic Seven and Russia] and the resulting problem of implementing the 10-year Strategic Plan of the AC adopted at the XII ministerial meeting of the Сouncil in Reykjavik (Iceland) in May 2021.
Keywords: Arctic circumpolar civilization | Arctic Council | Trans-Arctic | indigenous peoples of the North | geopolitics | hybrid war | strategic planning |
Russian Science Citation Index
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