Digitalization of the Japanese Economy by the Example of the Banking Sector: Current Results, Prospects and Problems
ISSN 2079-4665
DOI 0.18184/2079-4665.2021.12.4.434-449
Purpose: the purpose of this study is to examine the current state of Japan's digital transformation, with a focus on the banking sector, analyzing specific examples, identifying obstacles that hinder the achievement of expected results. Methods: the article is based on the analysis of scientific and analytical materials devoted to the problem of research, a set of general scientific methods is applied, including comparison, scientific generalization, analogy, etc. Results: the article presents the main trends and current results of digitalization of Japanese banks, provides examples of projects, identifies problematic areas of the implemented policy. A hypothesis is put forward about the key role of the government in the development of new standards for the organization of work, taking into account the use of innovative technologies. For Japan, digitalization is chosen as a key tool to mitigate the current socio-economic situation. Digitalization is already being implemented in the healthcare sector, agriculture, etc. Another sector at the center of digitalization is the financial one. Financial technologies form new markets and products. Non-banking companies penetrate into the areas occupied by classical banks, competing and even displacing them. These processes are observed both in Japan and in other countries of the world, including Russia. Therefore, studying the Japanese experience of integrating digital technologies into the financial sector is important. Although Russia is among the leaders in the digitalization of the financial sector, it is difficult for fintech companies to break into the Russian market due to pressure from large classical banks, as well as the lack of trust in fintech companies from the population. Conclusions and Relevance: in contrast to the manufacturing sector, digitalization of non-manufacturing areas is slower in Japan. This is due to a shortage of qualified personnel, financial risks, etc. Today, the priority for financial institutions remains to create the basis for the introduction of digitalization and improve management efficiency. From the point of view of ensuring the stability of the financial system, it is expected that the Bank of Japan, together with the government, will encourage initiatives in the field of financial development.
This article is prepared within the project «Post-crisis world order: Challenges and Technologies, competition and cooperation» under a grant from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation to conduct major research projects in priority areas of scientifc and technological development (agreement No. 075-15-2020-783).
Keywords: digital transformation | digitalization of banks | fntech | digital platforms | big data | artifcial intelligence | science and technology policy of Japan |
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