Cleavages in Russia and Contemporary World: Role in Domestic and International Politics
ISSN 0869-0499
DOI 10.31857/S086904990015417-0
This article analyses the role of value cleavages and splits in the contemporary politics as well as how they are influencing the formation and regulation of domestic and international political conflicts. The article demonstrates the importance of adaptation of political institutions to basic values, traditions and political culture in post-Soviet societies. The author concludes that creation of the integral values system is necessary for consolidation of Russian and other post-Soviet societies, as well as for their social and political development. This integral system should include traditional and modern values, as well as liberal and social values. The influence of different value systems on international relations in contemporary world is considered. As author demonstrates, the most coherent regional economic and political unions are formed on common or similar civilizational and value basis.
Keywords: values | value cleavages | political institutions | political conflicts | identity | political instability | international politics | Russia | post-Soviet countries |
Russian Science Citation Index
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