ISBN 978-5-9535-0201-6
The publication is devoted to a current state and prospects for interaction between Russia, China and the USA in one of the most important areas in the world and in really biggest one – Asia Pacific region. A methodology is formulated how to analyze relationship within a framework of “triangle” and how to define genuine national interests for “those three”. Authors analyze bilateral as well as trilateral relations between Russia, China and the USA in APR in a combination of cooperation and competition. It deals with US reaction to China’s recent rise in its economic, political and military might and with US views on bilateral relations in an atmosphere of regional competition. The publication assesses also different aspects of China’s regional strategy. It pays attention to an evolution of economic interaction between states in the Western Pacific towards regional economic integration. Authors analyze various aspects of the Russian national strategy in the Asia Pacific region, means and ways to engage the Russian Far East into the regional economic cooperation.
Keywords: China | USA | Asia Pacific region | economic cooperation |
Russian Science Citation Index
Kanaev Evgeny
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Lukonin Sergey
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Zhukov Stanislav , Reznikova Oksana
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Timofeev Pavel
France's Dilemmas in the Indo-Pacific: It’s Hard to Be the Third
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Chudinova Ksenia
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Arbatov Alexey
China and Arms Control: Not Utopia, but a Reality
Kanaev Evgeny
Multilateral cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region in the conditions of global trends
Mishin Igor
U.S.’ South China Sea policy: The first steps under presidency of Joe Biden
Potapov Maxim
Приоритеты инвестиционной политики стран АТР // Экономика и предпринимательство. 2021. № 12 (137). С. 54 – 56. DOI 10.34925/EIP.2021.137.12.008
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Shawlai Ellina
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