Transnational Political Space: New Realities of International Development. Ed. by M. Strezhneva. Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2010
Publication Type:

ISBN 978-5-9535-0239-9

International practice is viewed through the prism of political space concept, implying a commonality of rules, principles and values, which members of a certain community follow in their political behaviour. Authors focus their attention on phenomena of transnational political space, where established framework of national policy and politics is traversed both horizontally (meaning Post-soviet, European or Transatlantic spaces) and/or vertically (different modes of multilevel governance, as developed in Europe today). These tendencies can lead to the formation of international region as an aggregate of stable links and relations which demands political regulation of its own. The European Union is taken as a more detailed example to test the importance of policy networks in present-day transnational governance.

Keywords: transnational political space | international region |

Russian Science Citation Index


Transnational political space: the phenomenon and practice. Executive editor M.S. Strezhneva Moscow, Ves Mir publishing house, 2011, 376 p.

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Aleshin Alexander
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Yevtodyeva Marianna
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Semenenko Irina
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Korsakov Georgiy
U.S. Military Nanotechnologies Research Program

Labetskaya Ekaterina
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