Baranovsky Vladimir
World System`s Transformation in the 2000s.
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On the verge of the second decade of the XXI century, time has come to assess the changes in the world in the 2000s, which are considered the last phase in the period of evolution of the international system that started with the erosion and eventual dismantlement of the bipolar confrontation regime. The nascent system naturally lacks legibility, stability and conceptual organization, however it is appropriate to identify it as multipolar. The transitional period finale is always marked by the shaping of solid supporting axes for the new global order, but it does not presuppose the ultimate completion of the structural transformation of the system. Traditional challenges to the world stability gain new facets and new meanings, as the composition and design of the global system continues to evolve. The ever intensifying globalization pushes increasingly more actors towards a proactive international stance, thus provoking new economic conflicts, which seem to top the global agenda. In the years after the end of the Cold War, the nature of security issues has transformed – the reduction in nuclear weapons became marginal, while the problems of proliferation became much more acute and pressing, with transnational criminal groups and terrorist organizations becoming more active in the field. The trend to trivialize the sovereignty hasn’t yet been compensated by a functional approach to legitimate intervention in domestic affairs of the states, while poverty, hunger, natural disasters and climate change consequences have not become prerogative of an accountable global task force. Thus, new features of the emerging global political system necessitate intensification of collective action and predetermine the future model of international interaction.

Keywords: economic conflicts | transnational criminal groups | global political system |

Russian Science Citation Index


Smyslov Dmitry
Progress Trends in the International Currency System.

Chugrov Sergey , Karelova L.
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"Новое качество" рынка вооружений стран Юго-Восточной Азии. Часть 1 // Новый оборонный заказ. Стратегии. 2023. № 1. С. 10-18.

Volodin Andrey
“Plebeization” of culture - a threat to the national security

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Korsakov Georgiy
On Military Innovations and Strategic Concepts / Korsakov G.B.

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Smyslov Dmitry
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Kvashnin Yuri
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