World order transformation: economy, ideology, technology. Polis. Political Studies. 5, 8-23. (In Russ.)
ISSN 1026-9487
DOI 10.17976/jpps/2024.05.02
The article considers macro-trends and short-term trends in the transformation of the world order. The author introduces the classification of international relations systems and proposes an interpretation of the patterns according to which they change. The author evaluates the historical dynamics of the balance of economic and military power of states, the influence of technological progress, demographic trends, and ideologies on the architecture of the upcoming post-unipolar world order. Its contours are determined by a contradictory set of factors leading towards multipolarity but also a new bipolarity.
Acknowledgements. This article was prepared with the support of a grant from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation for major scientific projects in priority areas of scientific and technological development No. 075-15-2024-551 “Global and regional centers of power in the emerging world order”.
The author expresses gratitude to his colleagues at IMEMO RAS R.I. Kapelyushnikov, V.D. Milovidov, I.S. Semenenko, I.V. Danilin, S.V. Zhukov, K.V. Bogdanov, A.P. Guchanova for consultations and assistance in preparing the article.
Keywords: world order | systems of international relations | technological progress | demographic trends | ideology | aggregate productivity factor | polycentrism (multipolarity) | new bipolarity |
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