Трансформация мирового геоэкономического пространства в условиях реиндустриализации [Текст] / В. Г. Варнавский // Вестник Института экономики РАН. – 2019. – № 2. – С. 119-133. DOI: 10.24411/2073-6487-2019-10022.
ISSN 2073-6487
DOI 10.24411/2073-6487-2019-10022
The article examines the most important structural changes, characteristics and proportions of the main groups of countries of the world economy. The main trends in the transformation of the global geo-economic space in the context of re-industrialization are analyzed. The quantitative assessments of changes in the structure of industrial production at the level of the main countries and regions of the world; are given. Special attention is paid to structural changes in the manufacturing industry. It was concluded that the re-industrialization of developed countries and the restoration of positions, lost in previous decades, is still weak.
Keywords: transformation of the geo-economic space | deindustrialization | reindustrialization | globalization | structural changes | world economy | industry | manufacturing industry | developed countries | developing economies |
Russian Science Citation Index
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