Трансарктические перспективы Иберо-Америки // Евразийский союз ученых : международный электронный научный журнал. 2020. Т. 1, № 4/73 (6). С. 36-39. DOI 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2020.6.73.687. URL: https://euroasia-science.ru/politicheskie-nauki/transarkticheskie-perspektivy-iberoameriki-36-39 (дата обращения: 16.10.2020).
ISSN 2411-6467
DOI 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2020.6.73.687
Through the concept of transnational space and “case-study” method, the prospects for the involvement of Ibero-America in the virtual Trans-Arctic, which is turning into a geoeconomic and geopolitical "bond" of two neighboring spaces –Trans-Atlantic and Trans-Pacific –are considered. The strengthening of Iberoamerican states’ presence in the Trans-Arctic will be a factor in increasing their ratings in the global hierarchy, will provide them with new geopolitical advantages for global competition, will strengthen comprehensive security (economic, environmental, energy, transport and logistics, food, water). In the context of the Arctic interests of Ibero-America, special attention is paid to options for possible "win-win" cooperation in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, including taking into account the potential of BRICS and its "outreach" and "BRICS +" platforms. Highlighted fundamental legal differences between Trans-Arctic and Antarctic. The Arctic prospects of Brazil as a channel for the realization of the circumpolar interests of the Iberoamerican states are emphasized.
Keywords: Arctic | BRICS | geopolitics | globalization | Northern sea route | Ice silk road | transnational space |
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