ISBN 5-9535-0093-9
The articles collected in the book are based on the materials of the Young Scholars’ Conference, held in the IMEMO on Oct. 14, 2005. Among the issues discussed at the conference were the basic trends of development, the changing role and place of TNC in the world politics and economy. The book dwells on such complexes of problems as the impact of TNC on host economies and socio-political systems of recipient countries; TNC and global governance; TNC and technological and information processes going on in the modern world; TNC and estimation of political risks; specific features of the evolution of Russian TNC, etc.
Among the participants in the conference were young researchers from the IMEMO, the Diplomatic Academy (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), the MGIMO(U) (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Academic educational forum on international relations, Institute of International Security Problems, as well as from one of the leading regional centers specializing in the above-listed problems—Department of International Relations of the Nizhni Novgorod State University.
The book will serve as a worthy source of information to researchers engaged in political and economic studies, lecturers, students and graduates, as well as to all those interested in the world politics and economy.
Keywords: TNC | political risks | socio-political systems |
Russian Science Citation Index
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