Vasiliev Victor
The total victory - a shared responsibility // International Affairs, 2016, № 13, pp 13-28.
Publication Type:

ISSN 0130-9625

Events in recent years indicate, unfortunately, on the vitality of the misanthropic ideology of superiority, exclusivity, xenophobia, neo-Nazi, right-wing radicalism, on the political and historical amnesia, which resulted in the legal, moral and ethical lessons political legacy MW are being eroded. Current statistics populist participation in national parliaments, the European Parliament confirmed the dangerous rise of nationalism.

Keywords: The Second World War | the Great Patriotic War victory | Nuremberg | nationalism | right-wing populism |

Russian Science Citation Index


Vasiliev Victor
Distortion of the history of the Second World War is the treat to the Security of Europe

Vasiliev Victor
World War II in Public Opinion of Modern Germany / Vasilyev V.I.

Gudimenko Dmitry
Украинский национализм как идеология и политическая практика /Д.В.Гудименко // Бюллетень Центра этнорелигиозных исследований. 2016. №4. – С.27–38.

Kuzmina Elena
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Voronov Konstantin
Швеция в двух мировых (Второй и холодной) войнах: другая история // Международная жизнь. 2020. № 9. С. 72-83.

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Krivopalov Alexey
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Gronsky Alexander
External and own «strangers»: Belorussian history textbooks about the German occupation regime and Belorussian collaborators during the great patriotic war

Rogozhin Alexander
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Gudimenko Dmitry
Ukrainian radical nationalism: ideology of war and terror

Sigachev Maxim
Между регионализмом и панитальянским национализмом: правый популизм Лиги Севера // История и современность. 2020. № 3. С. 42-62. DOI 10.30884/iis/2020.03.03.

Vasiliev Victor
Right populism in Germany: a disturbing trend / VI Vasilyev V.I. // Observer. - 2017. - № 1. - P. 47 - 65.

Krylov Alexander
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Krivopalov Alexey
The Twilight of the Big Battalions. Historical Study of the Military Conflicts of the Future

Sigachev Maxim, Ilyin A.
Дискурсы нового национализма в Европейском Союзе // Научно-аналитический вестник Института Европы РАН : электронный журнал. 2020. № 1. С. 71-77. DOI 10.15211/vestnikieran120207177. URL: Дата публикации: 28.02.2020.

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Особенности правого радикализма в современной Германии // Евразийский юридический журнал. 2020. № 8 (147). С. 340-342. DOI 10.46320/2073-4506-2020-8-147-340-342.

Yashlavskii Andrey
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Arteev Sergei, Bunevich D., Sigachev Maxim
The New Populism in New Europe: Hungarian and Polish Examples in the Scientific Discourse. Post-Soviet Issues. 2022;9(1):92–110. DOI:

Gudev Pavel
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