The Struggle for the Eastern Mediterranean. Interests and Ambitions.
Publication Type:

ISBN 978-5-7567-1226-1

The book by a team of Russian scholars is exploring the complexity of legal, political, military and economic aspects of international relations in the Eastern Mediterranean. Considering the interests and ambitions of various regional and global players, the authors attempt to comprehensively analyze causes and consequences of the formation of the Eastern Mediterranean as a special political subregion, as a cross point of Europe and the Middle East, binded together by geography, boundaries, energy, transportation routes and a search for security. The analysis of the overall EastMed regional trends is combined with the study of separate cases.

The book may draw the attention of professionals and a much broader audience; it can be used for the educational purposes. 

Keywords: Eastern Mediterranean | regional and global players | |

Russian Science Citation Index


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Ivanov Stanislav
Where does the middle East “Arab spring”? / Ivanov S.M.

Frumkin Boris
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Bogacheva Anastasia, Davydov Alexey, Ibragimov Ibragim, Zvyagelskaya Irina, Kobrinskaya Irina, Samarskaia Liudmila, Svistunova Irina, Surkov Nikolay
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The Struggle for the Eastern Mediterranean. Interests and Ambitions / Irina Zvyagelskaya (ed.). – Moscow : IMEMO, 2023. – 166 p. – ISBN 978-5-9535-0617-5. – DOI 10.20542/978-5-9535-0617-5.

Kalinina Natalia
The Middle East: Hello to Russian Arms!

Tyukaeva Tatiana
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Ivanov Stanislav
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Malysheva Dina
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Malysheva Dina
The Middle East between turbulence and development

Ivanov Stanislav
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Ivanov Stanislav
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Ivanov Stanislav
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Ivanov Stanislav
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Zvyagelskaya Irina, Bogacheva Anastasia, Davydov Alexey, Ibragimov Ibragim, Lazovskii Stanislav, Samarskaia Liudmila, Svistunova Irina, Surkov Nikolay, Tyukaeva Tatiana
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Ivanov Stanislav
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The Middle East through the Eyes of Young Researchers (Global Development, iss. 20) / Zvyagel'skaya I.D., Rovinskaya T.L., Timofeev P.P., eds. – Moscow, IMEMO, 2019. – 215
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