The Sea of Okhotsk: Gain or Giveaway? [Text] / P.A. Gudev // Far Eastern Affairs. – 2016. – Vol. 44. – № 1. – P. 120 – 132.
ISSN 0206-149X
Keywords: exclusive economic zone | internal historical waters | sovereignty | anclave of the high seas |
Russian Science Citation Index
Gudev Pavel
The Sea of Okhotsk: Success or Concessions?
Gudev Pavel
Russia and China in the "trap" of justice: how the Beijing''s defeat in international arbitration will affect the interests of Moscow? (Part 1.)
Gudev Pavel
The Evolution of the USA Maritime Policy // International Trends, 2012, № 10, №2. P. 57–67.
Gudev Pavel
Russia and China in the "trap" of justice: how the Beijing''s defeat in international arbitration will affect the interests of Moscow? (Part 2.)
Gudev Pavel
Политико-правовые аспекты морской политики США в АТР [Текст] / П. А. Гудев // Юго-Восточная Азия: актуальные проблемы развития. – 2019. – № 1 (42). – С. 53-75.
Todorov Andrey
Future work of the International Seabed Authority in the context of the Arctic governance
Gudev Pavel
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: Regime Transformation Problems. Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2014, 201 p.
Gudev Pavel
Asia-Pacific: Maritime Conflicts’ Political and Legal Background
Gudev Pavel, Kramnik Ilya
Канал влияния? // Россия в глобальной политике. 2021. Т. 19, № 3 (109). С. 150-160.
Gudev Pavel
Problems of The Antarctic Treaty System (Political and Legal Aspects)
Gudev Pavel, Mishin Igor
American-Chinese Controversies around the Taiwan Strait (Part 2. Legal Interpretations and Controversies). Yugo-Vostochnaya Aziya: aktual'nyye problemy razvitiya, 2022, № 4 (57). Pp. 30–45. DOI: 10.31696/2072-8271-2022-4-4-57-030-045
Gudev Pavel
The US Policy in World Ocean
Gudev Pavel
The Northern Sea Route: problems of national status legitimization under international law.Part I
Gudev Pavel
The US Policy in World Ocean
Gudev Pavel
Foundations of Turkish Claims in the Eastern Mediterranean
Baranov Vladislav
Внешние границы континентального шельфа РФ [Текст] / В.Д. Баранов // Газовая промышленность. – 2014. – № 1. – С. 49 – 51.
Ivanov Stanislav
Проблемы освоения Арктики и национальная безопасность [Текст] / С.М. Иванов // Право и безопасность. – 2013. – № 1-2 (44). – С. 95 – 99.
Gudev Pavel
Арктика: риски и возможности для России [Текст] : материалы научного форума "Абалкинские чтения"(М., Дом Экономиста 31.01.2019) / П. А. Гудев // Научные труды Вольного экономического общества России. – 2019. – Т. 216. – № 2. – С. 88-97.
Gudev Pavel, Mishin Igor
American-Chinese Controversies around the Taiwan Strait (Part I. Essence of the Terminological Dispute). Yugo-Vostochnaya Aziya: aktual'nyye problemy razvitiya, 2022, T. 3, No 3 (56). Pp. 60–76. DOI: 10.31696/2072-8271-2022-3-3-56-060-076
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