The Russian labor market through the lenses of business surveys: a retrospective analysis. Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2006.
Using survey data collected over 1991-2005 by the Russian Economic Barometer (REB) author traces the trajectory of the Russian labor market evolution under transition. The REB micro-data provide a unique opportunity to look at employment restructuring from the standpoint of enterprises – economic agents which shape labor demand. The study is focused on such problems as labor hoarding; wage arrears; worker and job reallocation; de-skilling of industrial personnel; constrains in the labor market limiting enterprises' production capacities; shortage of skilled workforce; major trends in productivity, producer real wage and unit labor costs. The analysis suggests that in order to maintain competitiveness in the medium- and in the long-run the Russian industrial enterprises should increase substantially effectiveness of their screening procedures and provide much more investment in training and retraining programs of their personnel.
Keywords: industrial personnel | labor market | production capacities | labor hoarding |
Russian Science Citation Index
Kapelyushnikov Rostislav
Labor Productivity versus Labor Compensation: Some Simple Arithmetic
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Productivity and Labor Compensation in Russia: How to Cope with Statistical Illusions. / R. Kapelyushnikov
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Производительность труда и стоимость рабочей силы: как рождаются статистические иллюзии. Препринт WP3/2009/01. М., ГУ ВШЭ, 2009, 60 с.
«Knowledge People» – the New Workforce in the Late Capitalist Societies and Its Place in Civilization Processes. Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2010.
Kapelyushnikov Rostislav ,
Paradoxes of reservation wage setting in the Russian labor market. Part II
Sautkina Vera
Социальные проблемы незанятости: зарубежный опыт преодоления / В.А. Сауткина // Человек и труд. – 2012. – № 9. – С. 13–17.
Мировая экономика: прогноз до 2020 годов. Отв. ред. - акад. А.А. Дынкин. Выпуск 2. М., Магистр, 2008, 429 с.
Aukutsionek Sergey , Egorov Andrei, Bashirova Inessa, Belyakov Stanislav
Survey of Current Business
Aukutsionek Sergey , Egorov Andrei, Bashirova Inessa, Serzhantova Tatyana
Survey of Current Business
Aukutsionek Sergey , Egorov Andrei, Bashirova Inessa, Glushko Yury
Хозяйственное обозрение [Текст] / С. Аукуционек, А. Егоров, И. Баширова, Ю. Глушко // Экономическое развитие России. – 2017. – № 8. – С. 24-31.
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Survey of Current Business (June:September 2020)
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Survey of Current Business
Labor Market: Economic Crisis Reaction. Editors: Burdzhalov F., Gontmakher Y. Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2011, 184 p.
Kapelyushnikov Rostislav , Gimpelson V., Lukyanova A.L.
Ownership and Wage Differentiation in Russia.
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Хозяйственное обозрение (апрель-июль 2022 г.) // Экономическое развитие России. 2022. Т. 29, № 7. С. 21-28.
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Survey of Current Business (August-November 2021)
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