The Role of Illicit Drug Business in the Political Economy of Conflicts and Terrorism. Moscow, Ves’ Mir Publ., 2005.
ISBN 5-7777-0319-4
The book explores the inter-linkages of illicit drug business and armed conflicts in the center of each of the world’s three main drug-producing areas – in Afghanistan which is the main case study, as well as in Colombia and Myanmar. It also focuses on the problems and prospects of conflict management and combating illicit drug production and trade in these areas. The role of drug trafficking in the political economy of the so-called transit states is also explored, with the Central Asian trafficking route of Afghan opiates used as a case study. Special attention is given to the role of illicit drug business in financing armed actors involved in terrorist activities and to the problem of combating drug business in the context of the global .
Keywords: drug business | drug trafficking | transit | anti-terrorism campaign |
Russian Science Citation Index
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