The problems of transport infrastructure and the ecology in the Caspian Region (the extraction and the export transportation of the oil and gas resources). Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2009, 96 p.
Publication Type:

ISBN 978-5-9535-0209-2

The monograph covers the economic, legal and ecological questions of oil and gas extraction and transportation in the Caspian region. The first part concerns the evaluation of these resources and their extraction in the Caspian sea, the main routes of transportation and the ecological consequences of these processes. The second part is devoted to comparison of ecological regulation in the western countries and Russia and Kazahstan, the legal system of these two countries in environmental influence of oil and gas industry in the Caspian sea including the use of ecological norms, the state environmental expertise and emergency regulation. The main attention of the last part is paid to the problems of international cooperation in the ecological consequences of the oil and gas industry in the Caspian sea, the problems of these processes in the absence of new legal status of the Caspian sea, the activity of the Caspian Environmental Program and the implementation of the Teheran Frame Convention on the protection of the Caspian environment.

The monograph will be useful for the researchers, the professors and post-graduated students and wide reading public interested in environmental problems of oil and gas extraction and transportation in the Caspian region.

Keywords: hydrocarbons | the Caspian region | environment | ecology |

Russian Science Citation Index


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