Tectology of A. Bogdanov and World-System Analysis in the Theory of International Relations
ISSN 0869-0499
The views of the Russian researcher A.A. Bogdanov (Malinovsky, 1873-1928) on the development patterns of systems in the system of international relations (IR) are analyzed. World-systems analysis used as an example. The potential of tectology in the theory of international relations is determined. General patterns of systems development, as well as the possibilities of their application to the analysis of the IR system, are identified. The scenarios of the development of the world order based on the identified patterns are provided. It is concluded that tectology allows the simulation of international dynamics processes and the development of adequate mechanisms for compensating imbalances.
Keywords: theory of international relations | tectology | international political economy | world-system | Kondratiev cycles | Alexander Bogdanov |
Russian Science Citation Index
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