Технологическая модернизация в условиях посткризисного развития мировой экономики. В сб: Внешнеэкономическое измерение новой индустриализации России. Под. ред. Е.Б. Ленчук. СПб.: Алетейя. – 2015. – С. 16–25.
ISBN 978-5-9905927-6-6
The monograph is devoted to the problems of activating the external economic factor in solving the problems of technological modernization and innovative development of the Russian Federation, the thoughtful use of which can give dynamism to Russia's economic development in the post-crisis period. The main directions of investment and technological cooperation are being developed within the framework of regional integration with foreign countries - in the post-Soviet and European space, with the United States and the BRICS countries. The current model of development of trade, economic, scientific and technical ties with each of these regions is analyzed, their strengths and weaknesses are revealed, the effectiveness of measures implemented within the framework of the interaction is estimated, perspective directions of development of trade, investment and scientific and technical cooperation in the context of development are determined. partnership for modernization and new industrialization. Particular attention is paid to the improvement of conditions and tools for the implementation of joint investment and technology projects that contribute to improving the efficiency of cooperation and technological renewal of the Russian economy.
Keywords: Technological modernization | BRICS | trade and economic ties | innovative development |
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