The Fate of «Grand Theories» in Economic Science // Voprosy teoreticheskoy ekonomiki. 2024. No. 1. Pp. 96–105. DOI: 10.52342/2587-7666VTE_2024_1_96_105.
ISSN 2587-7666
In economic literature we can find discussions concerning the so called «grand theories» which are allegedly lacking in modern economic science. These theories could have counter the fragmentation tendencies which split economics into separate loosely connected parts. The notion of abstract «grand theories» emerged in sociology and was particularly developed by Robert Merton who compared them with empirically based and testable «middle-range theories» which should be preferred. A classical grand theory in the history of economic science was Karl Marx’s theory. In some degree this nomination can be attributed to the general equilibrium theory of Leon Walras. Later a significant specialization and segmentation of economic theory occurred. Economic mainstream underwent great changes in several last decades, but their direction led to a greater heterogeneity. Despite some negative consequences of this trend and its critical reception in part of economic literature, a return to grand theories in foreseeable future is highly unlikely. Key words: methodology of economic science, grand theory, segmentation, Karl Marx, marginalist revolution, general equilibrium theory, mainstream economic theory.
Keywords: methodology of economic science | grand theory | segmentation | Karl Marx | marginalist revolution | general equilibrium theory | mainstream economic theory |
Russian Science Citation Index
Avtonomov Vladimir
Abstraction as a Mother of Order? / Avtonomov V.
Нормативная экономическая теория и модели экономического развития. Материалы теоретического семинара ИМЭМО РАН. Рук. - академик В.А. Мартынов. М., ИМЭМО РАН, 2001, 5 п.л.
Avtonomov Vladimir
Economic theory in IMEMO (The Soviet period)
Belyanin A., Egorov I.
The Legacy of the Outstanding Economist (The Centenary of Maurice Allais) / A. Belyanin, I. Egorov
Ranneva Nonna
Теория контрактов как единая дисциплина (к выходу на русском языке книги Патрика Болтона и Матиаса Деватрипонта «Теория контрактов») // Вопросы экономики. 2020. № 5. С. 141-160. DOI 10.32609/0042-8736-2020-5-141-160.
Avtonomov Vladimir
Three sources and three heroes of the Marginal Revolution
К вопросу о так называемом «кризисе» экономической науки. Руководитель: академик Мартынов В.А. М., ИМЭМО РАН, 2002, 71 с.
Grigoriev Leonid, Ivashchenko A.
The Theory of Cycle under the Crisis Blow / L. Grigoriev, A. Ivashchenko
Cheshkov Marat
Глобальный контекст постсоветской России. Очерки теории и методологии мироцелостности. М., МОНФ, 1999, 18,8 п.л.
Afontsev Sergey
Transforming Research Results into Policy Advice: Political Economy Perspective
Avtonomov Vladimir
Экономическая теория до и после великой рецессии [Текст] : Доклад на XVII Леонтьевских чтениях (СПб, 16–17.02.2018) / В. С. Автономов // Вопросы теоретической экономики. – 2018. – № 2. – С. 58-64. DOI: 10.24411/2587-7666-2018-00011.
Avtonomov Vladimir
Методология "Основ политической экономии" М.И. Туган-Барановского в сопоставлении "Принципов" А. Маршалла [Текст] / В. С. Автономов // Вопросы теоретической экономики. – 2019. – № 1. – С. 24-29. DOI: 10.24411/2587-7666-2019-10102.
Kapelyushnikov Rostislav
The Multiplicity of Institutional Worlds: Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences-2009.
Некоторые аспекты теории переходной экономики. Редколлегия: акад. Мартынов В.А., чл.-корр. РАН Автономов В.С., д.э.н. Кузнецов В.И. Т. 2. Сборник. М., ИМЭМО РАН, 2000, 26 п.л.
Avtonomov Vladimir ,
A General Theory of Methodenstreits in Economic Science
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Exploring Academician Storch’s “The Doctrine of Civilization” in the Context of Western and Russian Economic Thought. AlterEconomics, 21(1), 6–19.
Khesin Efim
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